Wednesday 4 June 2008

Alger la Blanche

Yesterday I went to up town Algers (Oxford St of Algeria i call it!), I made my way by bus and taxi and the weather was just lovely mashaAllah. The views amazing and i really enjoyed Algeria in all its glory yesterday mashaAllah dispite all my hardships and pain I feel I am really blessed to be given the chance to make hijrah for the sake of my Lord alone. Alhamduilah Algeria has benifited me , I used to say its the dh and the kids who are benifiting but not me but this is so wrong it is beniffitng me and changing me mashaAllah. For the better i hope, Algeria is very vibrant in so many ways and the total pits in others. Now I am faced with the option to return to the UK I don't want to subhanAllah. Allah test us in different ways and for different reasons alhamduillah. I just want to shout out alhamduilah for everything you have tested me with Allah otherwise how else would I be greatful!

Algeria really has been feeling like home these last few weeks, Algeria firstly is much better in the sun for sure, I have been getting out to the beach and ports, it made me realise as I had only cabin fever (four walls) to contend with for 3yrs due to certain circumstances but given the freedoms and ability life is what I imagned it to be these last weeks, before I came to Algeria to live I had a dream and I imagned life 'how it would be and how I wanted it to be' it took 3yrs but Allah showed me mashaAllah. I had a really nice last fews days in my dream life in Algeria and now I don't want to go back to the UK next week for the summer vacation subhanAllah can't win can I lol, all I know is I am grateful to Allah, for He hears my call when I call unto Him and he blesses us mashaAlllah.
Here are some cards i picked up yesterday
rue d'Isly this my fav, as it really catches the mood of the Algeria i dreamed about subhanAllah, Rue D'Isly. I visisted these places yesterday.
Photobucket I went for a Halal chesse burger at the QUICK which is located here.
Photobucket The Port its amazing with all the ships and ferry's so vast and the sea a sheet of blue bliss.
Photobucket The interior of the Mosque in the STATUE HADA area i am sure i spelt that wrong.
I went to the Port of 'La madrack' earlier in the week we had icecream , hagen daz eat your heart out! We went over to the docking area by some rocks and saw little tiny black crabs crawl up onto them, we saw horses along the sea front in thier full gallop, earlier the same day i went to 'sidi frej' we sat right by the sea front on deck chairs, it was very quiet and calm and i could hear the waves lapping and smell the sea air it was an amazing moment mashaAllah. My kids played with the waves, my DS played footie with someone on the beach, we had a flask of tea and cakes. A very relaxing eveing as we set off at 4pm and returned home before magrib mashaAllah.

1 comment:

Adventurous Ammena said...

masha'allah.. insha'allah you make the right decision sis, for yourself and ur deen..

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