Wednesday 30 April 2008

when it rains it pours.


Ever felt it always comes in one go? I have been analizing why life seems so hard in Algeria in so many respects? Apart form the obvious, when things go wrong , inability and lack of resources to access the remeidy for one! Alhamduilah just lately I have had some issues come in thick and hard all in one go, I am trying to work them through inshAllah, with sabr and steadfastness. Sometimes we all need a boost, we all need a lift , we all need support, we all need to feel inspired. The feeling of a storm brewing, trying to aviod a climax this is the real endurance test subhanAllah.Storm Brewing


Anonymous said...

AsSalaam Alaikum

After hardship comes ease, sister. Just keep going and don't forget you have lots of friends to lean on inshallah.

Rainbow In The Grey Sky said...

aslamu alakum dearest ukti habibati
having sisters like you that love me for the sake of Allah and really care means the world to me , when i come here and find you kind words , my heart leaps instantly, you sisters are my family why beacause you care!!!! hugs sister , may allah bless you with the best abode jannah al firdus (highest paridise)ameen, anyhow we got a party to attend there inshaAllah!

Prayers for Peace

Prayers for Peace