Thursday 28 August 2008

What's in my garden?

A frog yes a frogPhotobucket
As i went to do some trimming of the bushes something leaped in amongst them and i ran back in thinking it was a mouse or a rat! after much prodding and poking the bushes , me , DS and DD2 we learned it was a frog there hidden in the bushes subhanAllah so we have named it Mr Frogy very original i must add. Just two nights ago we spotted the neighbours cat sitting in wair by the bush for this wee frog, my ds soon moved her along by means of a jug of cold water.

Other things in my garden plants to share with you
I don't know what this is but has taken 4 yrs to grow and bloom.

i don't know the name of this one but it smells Devinne really lemony and it has just recently reveled some white flowers mashaAllah.
This is mint that i planted yes mashaallah sucess for once its for my kitchen and my dh mint tea!
Here are some ivy's

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