Saturday 15 March 2008

On the London Buses

I went on a 45mins bus ride yesterday and i sat on the top deck !!! good olde London BusesLondon busI wanted to go by bus as i missed to see London and all its glory although it didn't look like glory when i lived here,ever wondered why you apprichate things better when you are away from them ? it was a number 58 i really enjoyed that ride and then a walk through an East London market i saw a lovely pair of shoes well
I didn't buy but now wish i had :( warrant another trip?


Fruitful Fusion said...

Assalaamu Alaykum,

Brings back memories! I used to take the number 58 (I lived in its vicinity after I got married) to get to the tube station!

So true. I miss those London buses now too! And the market!

Yes, yes, get those shoes! You deserve them! :)

Rainbow In The Grey Sky said...

awww thanks for sharing in my moment sister as i thought i was the only one :) alhamduilla, it has inspired me to take a trip on the number 25 from East to West, i may just do it and take the cam along inshaAllah.

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